The project 19RPT01 QuantumPower has helped several National Metrology Institutes (INMs) to improve their measurement capabilities. Concretely, JV (Norway), CEM (Spain), CMI (Czech Republic), INRIM (Italy), VTT (Finland) own now the means to calibrate power and energy instruments through accurate quantum standards.
Within the project a practical quantum sampling electrical power standard based on programmable Josephson voltage standards, traceable digitizers and transducers, has been designed and realised. The quantum sampling standard is able to measure electrical power, power quality (PQ) parameters and phasor with low uncertainty.
The software for the correct operation of the quantum power standard has also been developed. This opens source software enables measurement control, data processing and uncertainty estimation.
These new capabilities have narrowed the gap between INMs capabilities in Europe, helping to gain confidence in commercial electricity transactions that affect all citizens.
Deliverable 5 shows the first full test of the system, results are considered as satisfactory. Partners are working on methods to improve uncertainties and optimize the system. The method presented in D5 report can be used to validate any future QPS.

Report on the validation of the new QPSs, including results of a comparison between at least two Quantum Power measurements Systems. Target uncertainties are 20 μW/VA for power measurements and 2 μW/VA contribution from the digitizer.

Protocol for a future comparison of quantum sampling electrical power measurements. 

The TC-EM Subcommittee DC & Quantum Metrology meeting was celebrated as a combined meeting with SC Low Frequency and a Workshop of QuantumPower

 Dates: 2023-05-26 to 2023-05-26

You can see it through the video!



Download this file (19RPT01_D3_QuantumPower.pdf)D3_QuantumPower[ ]846 kB

Read the D1 report.

Download this file (D1 Report 05.08.2021.pdf)D1 Report 05.08.2021.pdf[ ]3982 kB

Quantum Power participated on the 10th meeting of the EURAMET SC P&E (May 26th and 27th, 2021).

Read the Quantum Power presentation.

The multiplexer is already in development. The schematic and board is almost finished. The production and testing of the multiplexer will be done in next months.

The project officially started! The online kick-off meeting was held on 15. - 17. 9. 2020.

Read the summary of the project.

Download this file (19RPT01_Publishable_Summary.pdf)19RPT01_Publishable_Summary[ ]155 kB